Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mommy Beerest

I have had it with this week. Work is such a train wreck right now. My boss finally had her baby boy (Peter) and when I called to congratulate her, we of course started talking about work and I started complaing about Bad Beth, who overheard most of the conversation. So we got into a huge fight and she grabbed the phone from me, and our boss started yelling at both of us on speaker, begging us to stop stressing her out before slamming the phone down. Apparently, she needs to be on some painkillers or something!

Then me and Beth got hauled into a meeting yesterday about our performance. We got the “we’re all on the same team” speech. Except that Beth’s on Team Fuckup and I’m on Team Death-for-Beth.

On top of that, every other woman on the planet is pissed at me, too. I think there’s crazy stuff going on in the cosmos? If Men are from Mars, Venus must be on its period right now.

Last Saturday afternoon, Karen and I had plans to go see Spiderman 3, but I slept all day and my phone was dead, so by the time I finally did wake up, she was half way to Santa barbara to have dinner with her mom without me. She was pretty upset, but as you can imagine, I was furious. She knows I’ve been working my ass off and she won’t even cut me a little bit of slack. She could have swung by and woken me up or called my house phone. I just don't get her sometimes.

Anyway, Zack and Tiff tried to cheer me up at Dimples, but the combination of exhaustion and booze made for a bad night’s sleep then, too. I spent most of Sunday in and out of consciousness until Wayne happened by with some leftovers for his drunk neighbor. He had made dinner for his mom. . .and that’s when I remembered to call mine, at like 10PM her time. When I did finally call, she was about to turn in and was ice cold to me. I can’t fucking catch a break this week.

I tried to explain that I’ve been sick and tired from work, but she didn’t really seem to care. She just gave me that mom-guilt that I hate so much.

Beth and I are barely on speaking terms and Karen will only text me back when I call her. She says she’s fine, but just really busy. But if I have time to call her, she has time to call me. Whatever. . .She’ll get over it soon enough.

For now, it’s back to the grind.


Anonymous said...

Bro, CALM DOWN. Easy for me to say, since I got the week off. HAHAHA!!!!!!!

and you totally suked at Dimples, BTW. You can't sing high enough to sing Journey, dumbass! Well at least know you know

Anonymous said...

post again! I love this blog!

Anonymous said...

where'd ya go?

Anonymous said...

We've been hanging for 8 months...any updates?

Anonymous said...

Sir, youu are no M. Night Shamalyman!

Anonymous said...

We're going on 2 years with no updates. What's going on?

Anonymous said...

Almost a 3 year anniversary...