Thursday, April 5, 2007

Passover...the Manni!

Last night, Dwayne & Wayne hosted a small Passover meal--complete with lots of mannischevitz (SP?). Karen's half Jewish so she lead me through most of the hard parts...and the food was soooo good. But there was WAY too much of it. Wayne really outdid himself this time!

This morning, my car wouldn't start for some damned reason. I told Karen that it's one of the 21st century plagues--along with the Tiff Virus! lol! Anyway, i got to work late and now i'm workin a little passed the bell because the office is closing down early for easter.

God bless us, every one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it over. Karen looked ADORABLE.

What she sees in you, I have no idea ;)