Wednesday, February 21, 2007


DAAAANG! So much for goin home after waork. Zack convinced me to go to Dimples for Fat Tuesday. Zack's a madman with the mic, so I agreed to go for one drink. I do NOT sing...but Zack brought teh HOUSE DOWWWWN with his rendition of MONY MONY! (HEY! MFer! GET LAID, GET FUCKED, RIIIGHT??) Seriously though, he should be as inger for sure!

While he was up there, this crazy dude with a viking hat got Tiff to flash him for some beads!!!! HAHAHA!! I swear tou never know what she's gonna do next!! Don't be mad, Zack broski!! It's marty gras!!!!

But the best part of the night (Beside's Tiff's "Bead-bags!") was Zack after his song. He stopped the applause for a moment of silence for Katrina. Man, it was a great moment.

We came back to Zack & Tiff's afterwards to chill, because i caouldn't drive yet.... But I'm cool now! FUck yeah!!!!

RIP Katrinas ...we will never 4get!


Anonymous said...

HEllz yeah! What a fun time!! You so totally didn't expect what you got last night, didya? I slept until - get this - 2:00 yesterday and still woke up weaving. Tiff got a little out of control, didn't she? Damn, my girl can DRINK! Jealous? HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

OMG. I'm still totally drunk.

I can't believe Zachy didn't see me flash! I made sure to wear my new Victoria's Secret water bra. I totally new I would flash once I had a few (or 5!!!) Hurricanes in me.

Sorry to the Dimples crew who had to clean the bathroom THAT night! Four of those Hurricanes came back up right after I sang, "Lady Marmalade" with that bachelorette party. Those girls were AWESOME! (Sorry if I got a little 'marriage crazy' Zachy! I was SO wasted.)

Never 4 Get!