Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dane Cooked--and we ate it UP!!!

Holy cow, last night was incredible! Me and Karen bought dinner for Zack & Tiff at Greenblatt's deli right next door to where DANE COOK was about to perform at the Laugh Factory! Tiff should open for him instead of whoever that little guy is. Tiff had us rolling during dinner--she was making her baked potato talk! LOL! I swear, she's so twisted!!! I wasn't even sure I had any laughter left in me--until Dane came to the stage!

He is SO funny! I was worried that he wasn't going to live up to all the hype, but MAN does he bring a HUGE energy to the show! It's overpowering, and mark my words: people will compare seeing him to seeing like the Beatles or Elvis (not the Thai one!) He is a true performer!!!

I had two jack & cokes--then had one more as part of Karen's two drink min. because she's a lightweight! Hahha! Dane did this whole routine about how in your group of friends, you always hate "The Karen!" THEN he said that in his group, they all hate THE BRIAN! Hahhahah!!!! I really thought we were all going to pass out from laughing so hard!

It was also on one of his CDs and you can hear it here:




Anonymous said...

LAst night. Totaly. Incredible! I thought I was gonna sh*t myself when Tiff was doing Tammy the tranny potato or whatever the hell she was doing! I can't remember what she said, just that stupid, gravelly voice had me cracken up, all the way home!

and Cook is DA MAN! That Karen skit had me rolling, although ur KarKar wasn't looking too happy about it hahaha! You took the "Brian" skit like a true gentleman, BTW.


Anonymous said...

OMYGOSH! Still drunk. First of foremost, I SO have to apoligize to my Zackary. I'm SOOOO sorry about your car. It was ALL those jack and cokes.( Thanks a sh*tload Bri!) I'll pay for the detail...I promise! I know that Beemer is your *baby*! You probably love it more than me! HAHAHAHA!

Dane is so effing HAWT! AND SO EFFING FUNNY! Ya, poor Kar. She was not having that. "The Karen"! LOL! And she's so NOT that in our group of friends. Am I right?

I don't think Dane is her thing BriBri!

I'm so going to throw up again and then get another Vanilla Latte (non-fat soy, of course!) to wake up.

Anonymous said...

You see that, Bri? You see what I have to deal with? Tiff can't hold her liquor, and my poor car pays the price!

You bet your ass your paying sweetie!!!! ;)